This exclusive Flight Centre family holiday is jam packed full of special experiences that will leave the whole family smiling!

Family friendly activities will keep the kids entertained while mum and dad can sit back and relax. This 4 day adventure to the Red Centre of Australia caters especially for families with young (and not so young) children.

We’ve got a range of accommodation options and packages that will suit any family size and budget so why don’t you swap the couch for a camel next school holidays – contact AAT Kings or talk to your Flight Centre travel agent.

  • Toast an Uluru sunset with drinks and nibbles while the kids are entertained and educated by a National Park Ranger
  • Explore breathtaking Kata Tjuta and walk to Walpa Gorge
  • Learn about indigenous culture and be treated to an exclusive wildlife conservation experience
  • Indulge at the award winning Uluru BBQ Dinner.
  • Have fun at an interactive dot-painting workshop with a local Anangu artist
  • Wander through sand dune country on a Camel ride
Day 1: Arrive & Uluru Sunset

On arrival at Ayers Rock Airport you will be transferred to your hotel where your ultimate family shindig begins! Once you’ve collected your baggage, look for the AAT Kings coaches, hop on board and relax. You’ll be met at your hotel by your Guide who’ll introduce you to your travelling companions and tell you about all the fun you’ll be experiencing over the next few days.

This evening you’ll enter Uluru – Kata Tjuta National Park and travel to the Sunset Viewing Area where parents will sit back and relax with a glass of wine and nibbles watching spectacular Uluru change colour as the sun sets, while children are met by a National Park Ranger who’ll entertain and educate them about what they’ll be seeing and experiencing in the park over the next few days. Following sunset it’s back to the resort where the night is yours. Maybe grab a bite to eat at one of the restaurants around the resort or tuck the children in to bed for an early night.

Hotel: Outback Pioneer Hotel (Standard), Emu Walk Apartments(Moderate) or Desert Gardens Hotel (Superior)

Day 2: Uluru

Rise early this morning and travel to Talinguru Nyakunytjaku (the Uluru sunrise viewing area) to watch an Uluru sunrise. You’ll be able to help yourself to a cuppa or hot chocolate to keep you toasty and warm as the Red Centre comes to life. Once the morning rays have lit up the park, you’ll jump on board your coach and head to the Cultural Centre for breakfast at Ininti Café. After breakfast you’ll enjoy an interactive interpretive walk around parts of the Rock. Learn about Anangu, the traditional owners of the land, their traditions and beliefs and Tjukurpa (creation stories), that will bring Uluru to life. Spot birdlife such as the Zebra Finch, Rainbow Bee Eater and Willy Wagtail, and learn to identify their calls. View ancient rock art in the caves around the base of the rock and visit Mutitjulu Waterhole, the most prominent of the waterholes of Uluru. Afterwards, back at the Cultural Centre you’ll meet a Ranger who’ll take you on a journey to experience first-hand the conservation efforts the park has in place to preserve the endangered plants and wildlife threatened by feral animals and weeds bought to the area by piranpa, (non-Aboriginal people).

The rest of today is yours to enjoy. We’ll organise board games and activities or a film for the kids, so mum and dad can sit back and relax.

Included Meals: Breakfast

Day 3: Kata Tjuta, Dot Painting & BBQ Dinner

After tucking in to breakfast, meet your Guide and travel to Kata Tjuta where first you’ll visit “Cattle Yards” Kata Tjuta dune viewing area, for a view over the plains that will give you a perspective of just how expansive Kata Tjuta really is. On arrival at Kata Tjuta, you’ll take two walks. First-up is a walk to the first lookout of Valley of the Winds where your Guide will give you intriguing insight in to your surroundings. Continue to Walpa Gorge for a walk between two of the largest domes of Kata Tjuta, following the natural creek bed, an area sacred to Anangu men.

Next we return to the Cultural Centre where you’ll have a chance to grab some lunch before discovering if you have any budding artists in your family! You’ll join local Indigenous artists for a fun interactive dot-painting workshop. The artists will talk you through symbols used in their traditional Western Desert Art before you let the creativity flow and paint your very own colourful masterpieces to take home.

After a chance to freshen up back at the hotel, it’s off for an early meal at AAT Kings’ award winning Uluru Barbecue Dinner! Meet our awesome team who’ll  make you laugh, smile and keep the children company, letting them help prepare the meal and even hunt for animal tracks in the sand while parents can sit back, relax and unwind before indulging in a BBQ meal of steak, sausages, prawns, kangaroo, salads and dessert. Yummo! Now it’s back to the resort for a good night’s sleep before tomorrow’s exciting adventure.

Included Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

Day 4: Camels & Depart

After breakfast it’s time to catch the camel train for the ride of your life! Meet Ned Kelly, Khan, Oprah, Coober, Oran, Cusco, Old Tom, Stirlo, Murphy, baby Kerry and all their friends as well as the equally entertaining Cameleers. Wander through beautiful sand dune country on your 45 minute ride as you get to know the individual personalities of your new friends. After your camel ride, it’s time to say goodbye to your new found friends as you head home. You’ll be transferred to the airport for your outbound flight.

Included Meals: Breakfast

Visit AAT Kings for more information on this great Family Tour