Travel4kids would like to offer everyone the chance to contribute to our website by submitting family travel deals or holiday packages.

The travel deal can be any travel related service that is available to Australian Families.

  • Is your hotel / apartment / caravan park having a sale?
  • Does your travel agency offer family related deals?
  • Seen a great deal online that you would like to share?

All deals are required to have the following information and can link back directly to your product or service. Each deal will be reviewed for relevance (no spam!!)

  1. Deal Name
  2. Deal Expiry Date (if Applicable)
  3. Deal Features / Inclusions
  4. Deal Destination(s)
  5. Your Contact Details
  6. Deal Website address – can be directly to your homepage as long as the deal is easily visible

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Deal Name

    Deal Expiry Date

    Deal Travel Period

    Deal Features

    Deal Destination(s)

    Deal Website Address

    Deal Description

    Upload Images
